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It costs less than a cup of coffee per day.

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You can spare nothing, or you can spare just $25 – which is still less than a cup of coffee per day.

The average student-athletes has to work over 40 hours in a week to afford one textbook.

That's 19% of their weekly schedule that could be spent doing other things, like practicing with their teammates, participating in extracurriculars, or studying (to name a few).

Don't let students have to make this choice. Sponsor a student today.

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Imagine the possibilities of our student-athlete's future:

Attending their favorite college,

excelling both in academics and athletics, doing what they love without having to worry about their fees.

All because you made a difference by sponsoring them today.

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It costs less than a cup of coffee per day.

Empower ONE student-athlete to succeed both academically and athletically with just $25 a month.

Your donation will provide them with the necessary tools to reach their full potential and make a lasting impact on their future.

Your support will provide them with either:

Athletic Training:

Expert coaching in the sport of their choice, tailored to their position and sport.

Academic Training:

SAT or ACT preparation to help them excel in the classroom.

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For only $25 a month, you can change someone's life and help them reach their full potential.

If you're passionate about making a difference, make your donation today!

I want to donate now

KDT SPORTS also offers subscription packages

  • $100 provides 4 academic or athletic sessions per month
  • $250 provides 10 academic or athletic sessions per month
  • $500 provides 20 academic or athletic sessions per month
  • $1200.00 provides a weekly academic or athletic session for 1 student-athletes for one year

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  • $25 provides one student-athlete with an academic session and or athletic session
  • $100 provides 4 academic or athletic sessions per month
  • $250 provides 10 academic or athletic sessions per month
  • $500 provies 20 academic or athletic sessions per month
  • $1200.00 provides a weekly academic or athletic session for 1 student-athletes for one year

Make a difference and create a lasting impact on our student-athletes future.

Make your donation today!

All registration, donations and program fee(s) paid for any and all KDT Sports programs, both online or in-person, are non-refundable.

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